Thursday, 28 November 2013

Thursday, 7 November 2013

Halloween 2013

                                                                   Halloween 2013

This year I went as a Black Cat. Very generic but I couldn't decided between a Witch, Skeleton or Cat so I went with what was available at the time I was shopping for my Costume. I used the Tutu Alex helped make me and I purchased this cute Mickey Trick or Treat bucket at the park. 

This shot is from early on in the day In the Studio's. I thought id keep the day festive as I'm like that :P

It's not Halloween unless you treat yourself to some Pumpkin Pie topped with this cute Ghost

Disneyland Halloween decorations

                                          Disneyland Paris Halloween Decor

So Me and Alex have just come back from are Disney Vacations and it's been about 7 years since i last time I went. And i've been planning to go for the last 4 years now, But it just never happened. But this year It was at the top of my list on my New year's resolution to go for Halloween. We had a blast. I loved the whole time being there. I thought id do a post of the Halloween/Fall decor they had up this year.

                                                   at the Entrance coming in to the park